RMM / Endpoint Management
Monitor, maintain, and automate the network with a bird’s eye view of the topology and status of every device, router, switch, and node.
The Changing Landscape of Endpoint Management
The number and complexity of endpoints continues to climb exponentially in today’s Small Businesses. It’s no longer enough to manage a handful of desktop PCs in a world where new devices and services arrive daily.
A modern RMM must seamlessly manage a vast and growing number of mobile devices, traditional PCs and Macs, servers and network devices, cloud infrastructure, and more. Perhaps more importantly, it must enable a single technician to manage all of it with efficiency, speed, and intuitive control, since the size of teams isn’t climbing as quickly as the number of endpoints.
VSA manages all endpoints, regardless of their type, in one unified interface.
VSA Connects directly to peer suites in the IT complete platform, allowing you to update documentation or administer security in a single, uninterrupted workflow.
VSA is less expensive than competing solutions, with the same low cost per endpoint regardless of type.
Kaseya Responds With Choice
VSA from Kaseya is purpose-built to respond to the explosive growth in endpoints, and the labor involved in managing them. More than 10,000 experts participate in a marketplace to enrich our platform with the custom automations designed to save time and expedite jobs. VSA is the backbone of modern small business networks.
Complementing VSA is Datto RMM, a secure,100% cloud-based, and fully featured remote monitoring and management platform providing a unique combination of scalability, efficiency, and usability.

The Pillar of the Platform
The key difference for IT Complete is in uniting functions like endpoint management with the rest of your IT workflow. Rather than a siloed tool within a sea of solutions from different vendors, with the different interfaces, and different technologies, Kaseya’s Suite ties together everything you need to get IT done.
With VSA OR Datto RMM, you can seamlessly update IT Documentation, initiate a restore from backup, and manage your ticket queue. When the pieces are put together, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Our RMM Management solutions are linked to our Security Suite in the platform, allowing you to protect your users and your Network in one uninterrupted path.
Up Next: Security SuiteHear what our customers are saying
From complete endpoint management to the latest in security and compliance, the Kaseya family of solutions gets IT done for you.