
Predicting Your Next Move to Save You Time

Most software integrations aren’t built to last. Short-term partnerships give way to changing priorities, release cycles and product goals. By owning the core technology, and integrating through a proprietary integrations hub, you can count on IT Complete workflow efficiencies for the long term.

Datto EDR Executive Reports in myITprocess​

Unified Endpoint Security with Datto EDR-AV and VSA 10​

BCDR Backup Options in Unified Backup Hero Reports

Unified Backup Management within VSA 10

Graphus Executive Summary Report

Patch Management Evidence of Compliance

 Cloud Backup Evidence of Compliance

Import scan results from VulScan into vPenTest​

Datto Workplace Options in Unified Backup Hero Reports

Executive Summary Report for Autotask

Execute Agent Procedures on an endpoint from IT Glue LiveConnect/Remote control an endpoint directly from IT Glue ITG Password vault support for VSA 1-Click Backup status on IT Glue Configuration items Backup Coverage reporting in IT Glue Provide MAC address for VMware VMs to allow easy matching when syncing with IT Glue Complete BMS Ticketing experience inside IT Glue Search for and attach IT Glue documents as evidence of compliance Auto-suggest documents in BMS tickets ITG-BMS Built-In Canned Reports​ Agent Status on Network Glue Diagram
IT Glue data shown inside BMS In-context device documentation ITG Password vault support for VSA 1-Click Native ticketing integration with auto-remediation Asset synchronization integration VSA End User (Client) portal integration Single pane-of glass operations for Advanced Network Mgmt Unitrends (KUB) Spanning O365 Unitrends Cloud Backup (KDCB) Data collection automation
Single Sign-on Login with IT Complete Native ticketing integration Native ticketing integration Live Connect / Remote Control Single Sign-on Login with IT Complete Search for and attach IT Glue documents as evidence of compliance Licensing Integration for BMS billing Export Compliance issues to BMS Ticketing Data collection automation
Populate BullPhish end-users in Graphus Unitrends (KUB) Unitrends Cloud Backup (KDCB) Backup Status in IT Glue Backup Coverage reporting in IT Glue Provide MAC address for VMware VMs to allow easy matching when syncing with IT Glue BDR Needs Analysis for Unitrends Deploy Rocket Cyber Agents Ticketing Integration Identification of sign-on issues inside Rocket Darkweb ID Search shown in Network Detective
Darkweb ID alerts to BMS Ticketing Darkweb ID Credential monitoring in O365 Darkweb ID Credential monitoring in Gsuite Populate BullPhish end-users in Graphus Credential monitoring count in Passly at org level Credential monitoring status in Passly user level Traverse SSO with Passly VSA SSO with Passly ITG SSO with Passly BMS SSO with Passly DWID SSO with Passly
Export discovered assets as Flexible Assets in IT Glue from the Reporter Create tickets from Network Detective identified Risks Create BMS contacts from discovered Exchange and O365 contacts during Network Detective assessment Create BMS configurations from discovered assets found during the Network Detective assessment BDR Needs Analysis for Unitrends Sites from Network Detective are shared with Compliance Manager DarkWeb ID Search shown in Network Detective Darkweb Credential monitoring in O365 Spanning O365 Customer Management Darkweb Credential monitoring in Gsuite Custom IT Glue reports in BMS
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